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PLTT ("TTLP") - Palette

Author(s): Gonhex
Research: NOCASH, Gonhex

The palette section holds a table with all colors used in the sprite(s). The color information is squeezed into one WORD resulting in five bits per component (r, g, b) and one unused bit.

Table of Contents

Data Structure

Section Container

struct ContainerSectionPLTT
/* 0x0 */ struct NitroSectionHeader sectionHeader;
/* 0x8 */ struct ContainerPLTT sectionData;
}; // entry size = sectionHeader.lengthSection
Field NameDescriptionData Type
sectionHeaderHeader of this section. sectionHeader.signature = "TTLP".NitroSectionHeader
sectionDataContent of this section.ContainerPLTT

PLTT Container

struct ContainerPLTT
// header
/* 0x0 */ uint64_t dimensions;
/* 0x8 */ uint32_t lengthDataColor;
/* 0xC */ uint32_t offsetDataColor;

// data
/* offsetDataColor */ struct Palette dataPalette[numberPalettes];
}; // entry size = lengthDataColor + offsetDataColor
Field NameDescriptionData Type
dimensionsPalette configuration. Defines the max number of palettes and colors per palette.uint64_t
lengthDataColorLength of the color data section in bytes.uint32_t
offsetDataColorOffset to the color data section relative to ContainerPLTT.uint32_t
dataPaletteArray of palettes holding the colors. numberPalettes can be everything from 1 to 16.Palette[]


struct Palette
/* 0x0 */ struct ColorRGB5 color[numberColors];
}; // entry size = numberColors * 2
Field NameDescriptionData Type
colorArray of compressed RGB colors. numberColors is either 0x10 = 16, or 0x100 = 256.ColorRGB5[]

Color RGB5

struct ColorRGB5
/* 0x00 */ uint16_t red : 5; // 0b00000000'00011111
uint16_t green : 5; // 0b00000011'11100000
uint16_t blue : 5; // 0b01111100'00000000
}; // entry size = 0x2
Field NameDescriptionData Type
redRed color component, uint8_t displayRed = red << 3;.uint16_t : 5
greenGreen color component, uint8_t displayGreen = green << 3;.uint16_t : 5
blueBlue color component, uint8_t displayBlue = blue << 3;.uint16_t : 5


Palette Dimension Configuration

The first eight bytes in ContainerPLTT are marked as dimensions. This is related to the number and size of the palettes within this PLTT section. Since the result of reading the raw value is not clear, an enumeration type has been defined:

enum DimensionPalette : uint64_t
PALETTE1_COLOR16 = 0x00000000'000A0004ULL, // 1 palette, 16 colors
PALETTE1_COLOR256 = 0x00000000'00000004ULL, // 1 palette, 256 colors
PALETTE16_COLOR16 = 0x00000000'00000003ULL, // max. 16 palettes, 16 colors
PALETTE16_COLOR256 = 0x00000001'00000004ULL // max. 16 palettes, 256 colors

This serves as a lookup table with four possible values. The number of colors per palette is set to either 16 or 256. The number of palettes can be limited to a lower value by the count map, if it is set to 16.
