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ABNK ("KNBA") - Animation Bank

Author(s): Gonhex
Research: NOCASH, magical, Gonhex

The animation bank is used to animate 2D graphics. It requires an object to work on, which can be either a cell bank or a multi cell bank. Internally it works like frame by frame animations. To achieve more dynamic results, affine transformations can be applied to selected frames.

Table of Contents

Data Structure

Section Container

struct ContainerSectionABNK
/* 0x0 */ struct NitroSectionHeader sectionHeader;
/* 0x8 */ struct ContainerABNK sectionData;
}; // entry size = sectionHeader.lengthSection
Field NameDescriptionData Type
sectionHeaderHeader of this section. sectionHeader.signature = "KNBA".NitroSectionHeader
sectionDataContent of this section.ContainerABNK

ABNK Container

struct ContainerABNK
// header
/* 0x00 */ uint16_t numberSequences;
/* 0x02 */ uint16_t numberFrames;
/* 0x04 */ uint32_t offsetDataSequences;
/* 0x08 */ uint32_t offsetDataFrame
/* 0x0C */ uint32_t offsetDataFrameProperties;
/* 0x10 */ uint32_t unknown0;
/* 0x14 */ uint32_t unknown1;

// data
/* offsetDataSequences */ struct Sequence dataSequences[numberSequences];
/* offsetDataFrame */ struct Frame dataFrames[numberFrames];
/* offsetDataFrameProperties */ struct FrameProperties dataFrameProperties[?];
}; // entry size = sectionHeader.lengthSection - 0x8
Field NameDescriptionData Type
numberSequencesNumber of sequences.uint16_t
numberFramesNumber of frames.uint16_t
offsetDataSequencesOffset to the sequence data section relative to ContainerABNK.uint32_t
offsetDataFrameOffset to the frame data section relative to ContainerABNK.uint32_t
offsetDataFramePropertiesOffset to the frame property data section relative to ContainerABNK.uint32_t
unknown0Unused offset?uint32_t
unknown1Unused offset?uint32_t
dataSequencesAnimated object data.Sequence[]
dataFramesFrame configuration data. Duration in frames and an index to the properties.Frame[]
dataFramePropertiesCurrent (multi) cell index and affine transformation data, depends on the sequence.FrameProperties[]


struct Sequence
/* 0x0 */ uint32_t numberFrames;
/* 0x4 */ uint16_t animationType;
/* 0x6 */ uint16_t cellType;
/* 0x8 */ uint32_t loopMode;
/* 0xC */ uint32_t offsetFrame;
}; // entry size = 0x10
Field NameDescriptionData Type
numberFramesRefers to the count of frame-blocks used in this sequence.uint32_t
animationType0x0 = sequence, 0x1 = affine transform, 0x2 = translation.uint16_t
cellType0x1 = unique cell, 0x2 = multi cell.uint16_t
loopModeBehaviour of the frame sequence, values are documented in Loop Mode.uint32_t
offsetFrameOffset to the first used frame, relative to offsetDataFrame.uint32_t


struct Frame
/* 0x0 */ uint32_t offsetProperties;
/* 0x4 */ uint16_t durationInFrames;
/* 0x6 */ int16_t unknown0;
}; // entry size = 0x8
Field NameDescriptionData Type
offsetPropertiesOffset to the first used frame property, relative to offsetDataFrameProperties.uint32_t
durationInFramesNumber of frames remaining in this state, 60 frames per second.uint16_t
unknown0Always 0xBEEF.int16_t

Frame Properties

// if animationType == 0
struct FrameProperties
/* 0x0 */ uint16_t cellIndex;
}; // entry size = 0x2

// if animationType == 1
struct FrameProperties
/* 0x0 */ uint16_t cellIndex;
/* 0x2 */ uint16_t rotate;
/* 0x4 */ fx<1.19.12> scaleW;
/* 0x8 */ fx<1.19.12> scaleH;
/* 0xC */ int16_t translateX;
/* 0xE */ int16_t translateY;
}; // entry size = 0x10

// if animationType == 2
struct FrameProperties
/* 0x0 */ uint16_t cellIndex;
/* 0x2 */ uint16_t unknown0;
/* 0x4 */ int16_t translateX;
/* 0x6 */ int16_t translateY;
}; // entry size = 0x8
Field NameDescriptionData Type
cellIndexIndex of the displayed cell or multi cell block.uint16_t
rotateRotation angle, using the full range of uint16_t for one turn.uint16_t
unknown0Unused, 0x0 or 0xBEEF.uint16_t
scaleWWidth scaling factor.fx<1.19.12>
scaleHHeight scaling factor.fx<1.19.12>
translateXX position adjustment.int16_t
translateYY position adjustment.int16_t

Important: The structs for animationType > 0 must be DWORD aligned. If there is a region with an odd number of type-0 properties, a dummy entry is appended as padding.



To animate a sprite, three data blocks are required.

  1. The entry point is the sequence data. This defines the gereral properties of a sequence. How many different frames are involved? Are transformations applied or does the animation only rely on changing images? This decision is applyed to all frames, which are part of the sequence.
  2. The frame data tells, how long the image remains in this state. On a 60 fps system, setting it to 60 frames (0x3C) makes it last one second before switching to the next frame. It also points to an offset in the frame property data. To save memory, multiple frames can point to the same property offset.
  3. The structure of the frame properties depends on the animationType setting from the sequence data. If it is == 0, all it does is displaying the selected cell. If it is == 2, the position can also be changed. animationType == 1 also adds scaling and rotation.

If the animation is applied to a normal cell bank, the image in each frame is static, meaning if one frame is set to remain for one second and the transformation is rotate 180°, the image will be displayed upside down for one second. If the animation is applied to multi cells, which already have animated parts, it will loop through the animations of the multi cell, while "being upside down".

Loop Mode

The loop mode defines what to do, after the animation reached its last frame. There are four values, which can be used:

  1. Stop animation at last frame.
  2. Repeat animation after last frame.
  3. Play frames backwards after reaching the last frame and stop at first frame.
  4. Ping pong mode, repeat alternately forward and backward.

Other values are not supported and end up in the behavior of 1.



  • Link fixed point definition