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NCLR ("RLCN") - Nitro Color Runtime

Author(s): Gonhex
Research: (see sections)

The color runtime serves as base for all other 2D graphics components. It provides color palettes which are accessed via indexing. The count map (PCMP) is optional and sometimes used to limit the number of individual palettes. One palette can have either 16 or 256 colors. The number of colors is the same in all palettes of one file.

Table of Contents

Data Structure

File Container

struct ContainerFileNCLR
/* 0x00 */ struct NitroFileHeader fileHeader;
/* 0x10 */ struct ContainerSectionPLTT palette;
/* append */ struct ContainerSectionPCMP countMap; // optional
}; // entry size = fileHeader.lengthFile
Field NameDescriptionData Type
fileHeaderHeader of this file. fileHeader.signature = "RLCN".NitroFileHeader
palettePalette color data.ContainerSectionPLTT
countMapPalette count limiter. Does only exist if fileHeader.numberSections == 2.ContainerSectionPCMP

