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NCGR ("RGCN") - Nitro Character Graphic Runtime

Author(s): Gonhex
Research: (see sections)

The character graphic runtime holds the image data, usually in form of tiles. The image can be displayed directly or used as tile buffer for further processing as screen map or cells.

Table of Contents

Data Structure

File Container

struct ContainerFileNCGR
/* 0x00 */ struct NitroFileHeader fileHeader;
/* 0x10 */ struct ContainerSectionCHAR sectionDataCHAR;
/* append */ struct ContainerSectionCPOS sectionDataCPOS; // optional
}; // entry size = fileHeader.lengthFile
Field NameDescriptionData Type
fileHeaderHeader of this file. fileHeader.signature = "RGCN".NitroFileHeader
sectionDataCHARImage data.ContainerSectionCHAR
sectionDataCPOSDimension related. Does only exist if fileHeader.numberSections == 2.ContainerSectionCPOS

