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Sprite Collection

Author(s): Gonhex
Research: PlatinumMaster, Gonhex

This file functionally replaces the NCER, if the render target is provided by the 3D engine of the DS. It uses the NCGR (must contain a line buffer, no tiles!) as texture to create multiple sprites. It is used for battle sprites (Trainer and Pokemon) and in the game intro (professor juniper).

Table of Contents

Data Structure

Sprite Container

struct ContainerSprites
/* 0x0 */ uint32_t numberSprites;
/* 0x4 */ int16_t boundRight;
/* 0x6 */ int16_t boundBottom;
/* 0x8 */ int16_t boundLeft;
/* 0xA */ int16_t boundTop;
/* 0xC */ struct SpritePair body[numberSprites];
/* append */ uint32_t padding;
}; // entry size = numberSprites * 0x30 + 0x10
Field NameDescriptionData Type
numberSpritesNumber of sprites which can be indexed by the NANR.uint32_t
boundRightProbably unused.int16_t
boundBottomProbably unused.int16_t
boundLeftProbably unused.int16_t
boundTopProbably unused.int16_t
bodyContains two sprites which share the same index.SpritePair[]

Sprite Pair

struct SpritePair
/* 0x0 */ struct Sprite bodyPart;
/* 0x18 */ struct Sprite component;
}; // entry size = 0x30
Field NameDescriptionData Type
bodyPartOne sprite. It is equivalent to a cell from the NCER.Sprite
componentUsually all values are zeroed out. Only used for game-controlled parts, see Optional Component.Sprite


struct Sprite
/* 0x00 */ fx<1.23.8> spritePositionX;
/* 0x04 */ fx<1.23.8> spritePositionY;
/* 0x08 */ struct Size sizePropertiesX;
/* 0x0C */ struct Size sizePropertiesY;
/* 0x10 */ fx<1.19.12> texturePositionX;
/* 0x14 */ fx<1.19.12> texturePositionY;
}; // entry size = 0x18
Field NameDescriptionData Type
spritePositionXInitial x position. The final position on screen depends on further processing.fx<1.23.8>
spritePositionYInitial y position. This coordinate is upside down (multiply with -1).fx<1.23.8>
sizePropertiesXHorizontal sizes.Size
sizePropertiesYVertical sizes.Size
texturePositionXLeft edge position on the texture image.fx<1.19.12>
texturePositionYTop edge position on the texture image.fx<1.19.12>


struct Size
/* 0x0 */ uint32_t unknown0 : 12; // 0b00000000'00000000'00001111'11111111
uint32_t dimension : 12; // 0b00000000'11111111'11110000'00000000
uint32_t scaling : 8; // 0b11111111'00000000'00000000'00000000
}; // entry size = 0x4
Field NameDescriptionData Type
unknown0Unused?uint32_t : 12
dimensionWidth or height of the sprite's bounding box.uint32_t : 12
scalingEffects sprite scaling but not on the shadow, undocumented behavior.uint32_t : 8


Optional Component

The 2nd sprite in a pair is only used for subimages, which are controled by the game:

  • Pokemon eyes: They close their eyes to blink in battles or sleep.
  • Professor intro: She only moves her mouth while talking (adding letters to the text box).

These actions require the ability to change a specific part of the sprite asynchronously. The 2nd sprite provides this feature. If the game sends a command to display the alternative sprite, it moves the bounding box down by its height.

For the most body parts this isn't needed (not linked to the head). In these cases all entries of the sprite are zero, resulting in a 0 x 0 pixel sized "sprite".


  • Document scaling in Size
  • Link fixed point definition