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Author(s): Gonhex
Research: Gonhex, Trifindo

The term "map" is used for areas of the game world. The player can navigate through them and interact with other objects placed on the map. Usually one map has a size of 32 by 32 tiles and a maximum of four of them are loaded simultaneously. The maps are usually selected by the currently active "matrix" in /a/0/0/9 but there are cases where the game chooses an other map, depending on the in-game season.

Table of Contents

Data Location

The NARC containing these files can be found in the following game paths:

  • Black and White: /a/0/0/8
  • Black 2 and White 2: /a/0/0/8

Data Structure

Container Structure

struct ContainerMap
// header
uint8_t signature[2];
uint16_t numberSections;
uint32_t offsetModel;
uint32_t offsetPermissions[numberSections - 2];
uint32_t offsetBuildingTable;
uint32_t length;

// data
struct NSBMD dataModel;
struct SectionPermission dataPermissions[numberSections - 2];
struct SectionBuildingTable dataBuildingTable;
Field NameDescriptionData Type
signature"NG": No permission section.
"WB": One permission section.
"GC": Two permission sections.
"RD": One permission section, but with a different file format.
numberSectionsNumber of data sections within this file.uint16_t
offsetModelPoints to the 3D model of the map.uint32_t
offsetPermissionsPoints to the movement permission data.uint32_t[]
offsetBuildingTablePoints to the building table.uint32_t
lengthLength of this file.uint32_t
dataModel3D model of the map. NSBMD format without a texture section.NSBMD
dataPermissions0, 1 or 2 permission sections. A 2nd one can be used for things like bridges where one can walk on two different heights.SectionPermission[]
dataBuildingTableDefine appearance settings for all buildings.SectionBuildingTable


The NSBMD data format is currently not documented in this repository. You can find some information here instead.


struct SectionPermission
// header
uint16_t width;
uint16_t height;

// data
struct Tile tile[width * height];
struct CornerTerrain corner[numberCorners];
Field NameDescriptionData Type
widthNumber of tiles in horizontal direction.uint16_t
heightNumber of tiles in vertical direction.uint16_t
tileIndividual soil properties for all fields.Tile[]
cornerSpecial terrain properties for corners. Corners are optional.CornerTerrain[]


// "WB" and "GC" type maps:
struct Tile
struct TileTerrain terrain;
struct TileEnvironment environment;
}; // entry size = 0x8

// "RD" type maps:
struct Tile
int8_t unknown[20]; // TODO: document structure
struct TileEnvironment environment;
}; // entry size = 0x18
Field NameDescriptionData Type
terrainDefines height and slope on which overworlds are placed.TileTerrain
unknownData for "RD"-type maps. Those maps have flag based object placement.int8_t[]
environmentInteraction between tile and overworld.TileEnvironment


struct TileTerrain
uint16_t inclination;
uint16_t distance;
}; // entry size = 0x4
Field NameDescriptionData Type
inclinationIndexes a specific terrain slope. Probably flag based with a format like 0bTTTT'TTTT'TTTT'TTCR with T = terrain settings, C = is corner and R = resetuint16_t
distanceIndexes values that represent the distance perpendicular to the center of the map when the plane is extended to allow that vector. If the inclination for this tile indicates a corner, the field represents the index of the corner instead. Counting starts by zero.uint16_t


struct TileEnvironment
uint16_t behavior;
uint16_t flags;
}; // entry size = 0x4
Field NameDescriptionData Type
behaviorOften used in combination with flags. Manages data used for interactions and affects the overall behavior of a tile.uint16_t
flagsFlag based tile settings that can be combined. See table below.uint16_t

Terrain extension for corners

struct CornerTerrain
uint16_t inclinationTop;
uint16_t inclinationBottom;
uint16_t distanceTop;
uint16_t distanceBottom;
}; // entry size = 0x8
Field NameDescriptionData Type
inclinationTopInclination for top-left and top-right corners, inclination = inclinationTop - 1.uint16_t
inclinationBottomInclination for bottom-left and bottom-right corners, inclination = inclinationBottom * 4.uint16_t
distanceTopDistance for top-left and top-right corners, distance = distanceTop.uint16_t
distanceBottomDistance for bottom-left and bottom-right corners, distance = distanceBottom.uint16_t

Building Table

struct SectionBuildingTable
// header
uint32_t numberBuildings;

// data
struct BuildingProperties building[numberBuildings];
Field NameDescriptionData Type
numberBuildingsHeader of the building table, tells how many building are assigned to the map.uint32_t
buildingDisplay settings for a building. Includes local position, yaw rotation and the building index.BuildingProperties

Building display settings

struct BuildingProperties
fx<1.19.12> localPositionX;
fx<1.19.12> localPositionY;
fx<1.19.12> localPositionZ;
uint16_t rotationAngleYaw;
uint16_t buildingID; // big endian
}; // entry size = 0x10
Field NameDescriptionData Type
localPositionXX position relative to the center of the map.fx<1.19.12>
localPositionYY position relative to the center of the map.fx<1.19.12
localPositionZZ position relative to the center of the map.fx<1.19.12
rotationAngleYawCounterclockwise yaw rotation angle.uint16_t
buildingIDID of the building model. Unlike most variables, this one is in big endian.uint16_t



Part of the map files are:

  1. A 3D NSBMD-model of the map. This does not include textures!. The texture data is in /a/0/1/4.
  2. 0-2 permission matrices. This is basically how the game sees the map since the model does not provide any collision data. It is a 2D environment layout with additional informations about the 3rd dimension. The 2nd permission matrix is optional and almost identical to the first one, except for coordinates where two different behaviors are required (for example walking under OR on a bridge). Rails (/a/0/7/8) also contain collision data and may be loaded externally in some cases. This is why some maps come without own permission sections.
  3. A layout for externally loaded models (buildings).


As already mentioned, the standard size for a map is 32 by 32 tiles. But how large is a tile? The game accesses positions on the overworld using 32 bit values. These can be read as fixed point values. The default format is fx<1.19.12. This means that one tile has a size of 16 units. The most textures are also mapped with 16 pixel per tile.

To convert the value to one unit per tile, we can move the decimal point into the middle and read as fx<1.15.16 instead. This is how the terrain values for PDSMS were calculated, since its a tile based tool.

Permission Data


To allow the character to walk a different slope depending from the direction, Pokemon Black and White introduced corner tiles. These store data for two differnt terrains and apply one terrain to the northern vertices and the 2nd one to the southern vertices. Since the double amount of data at random position wouldn't fit into the permission grid, this data gets appended to the end of the permission section. The 0x0002 (bit) command in the terrain inclination tells the game to read a value from the extra data. The terrain distance behaves as an index for this section.

Terrain Inclination Values

The 3-dimensional shape of a tile.

TODO: Add tables or code.

Terrain Distance Values

If we extend the tile to an infinite plane, we can draw a line which is perpendicular to the plane and connect it to the origin (0, 0, 0) of the map. The length of this line is the distance. The distence is selected using indices.

Distance table - Black and White
* Table created by Gonhex
* Number of entries: 1314
* All values signed int32
* Tiles = value / 0x10000

/* 0x---0 0x---1 0x---2 0x---3 0x---4 0x---5 0x---6 0x---7 0x---8 0x---9 0x---A 0x---B 0x---C 0x---D 0x---E 0x---F */
/* 0x000- */ 0x00000000, 0xFFFE7FE9, 0x00016A20, 0xFFF6191D, 0xFFFEFFF1, 0xFFF7AD6F, 0x00043E61, 0x00038951, 0xFFFB01A9, 0x0000B510, 0x000712A2, 0xFFF4AEFC, 0xFFFDE0D0, 0xFFFDC36D, 0x0001000F, 0x0001CA0E,
/* 0x001- */ 0x0000E507, 0x00007283, 0xFFFEA875, 0xFFFB86DB, 0x00020AAF, 0x0000CD4E, 0x0001A225, 0xFFFBF95F, 0xFFFF7FF9, 0x00016317, 0x00008E09, 0x00019A9C, 0x0000D112, 0x00006889, 0x0002AF16, 0x0002DBC2,
/* 0x002- */ 0x00027338, 0x0002AAD4, 0x0001AA1C, 0x0002001F, 0x0000D50E, 0x000267EB, 0xFFFF1AF9, 0x0002237B, 0x00023C93, 0x0001562D, 0x0002557B, 0x0001AAC4, 0xFFFCDE66, 0x000406A1, 0xFFFE35F2, 0xFFFE95E0,
/* 0x003- */ 0x0003219A, 0xFFF9BCCC, 0x00047925, 0x000E00DF, 0xFFFC6BE2, 0x000B5104, 0x00087CC3, 0xFFF69BA6, 0xFFF9A26E, 0x000A9BF3, 0x0009E6E3, 0xFFFA577E, 0xFFF7833D, 0xFFFB1458, 0xFFFAA1D3, 0xFFF8384E,
/* 0x004- */ 0xFFF6331C, 0xFFFA2F50, 0xFFF94A48, 0xFFFC532B, 0x00065D92, 0x0002D441, 0xFFFE5DDB, 0xFFFD2BBF, 0x0005A882, 0x00021F30, 0xFFFDF551, 0xFFFBC19F, 0x0004F371, 0x0000EF97, 0x0001BF3C, 0x00006FCF,
/* 0x005- */ 0x00011010, 0x00013F74, 0x00068F85, 0x000633DB, 0x0005E091, 0xFFFF703F, 0x0000DF9E, 0xFFFF504D, 0x00008FC1, 0x00001000, 0xFFFFA02A, 0x0000AFB3, 0x0000BFAC, 0xFFFF4054, 0x00005FD6, 0xFFFFD015,
/* 0x006- */ 0xFFFF4AF0, 0x001000FF, 0x0008FC13, 0x0002E940, 0xFFFA2D80, 0x0006005F, 0x0004003F, 0xFFF8ED5E, 0xFFFC76AF, 0xFFFBEAA1, 0xFFFB4164, 0x0001E5D8, 0xFFFB25EB, 0xFFFB188D, 0x0008D3CE, 0x00018017,
/* 0x007- */ 0xFFFD50EA, 0x0001578B, 0xFFFDFFE1, 0xFFFB0C8F, 0x0003941E, 0x0009DDC9, 0x0007C7B2, 0x000931D3, 0x00008007, 0xFFF8384D, 0xFFF6CE2D, 0x001EC444, 0x001EC443, 0x000A3061, 0x001DB4AB, 0xFFFF1DA1,
/* 0x008- */ 0x002B82B7, 0x000897E4, 0x0032031F, 0x002F02EF, 0x000038BF, 0xFFFF5D2A, 0x00085BBB, 0x00097611, 0x00007A84, 0xFFFFA79A, 0x000CF8EC, 0x00127ACE, 0x0000C7A4, 0xFFFF13DE, 0x001CFF9A, 0x001CFF9B,
/* 0x009- */ 0x00019216, 0x0000D003, 0x00021A88, 0x0001710D, 0xFFFCBAE0, 0x000160DA, 0x0005608F, 0x0002C6AF, 0x00024167, 0x000A079E, 0x000A079F, 0x0003A677, 0x000358B6, 0x0022E425, 0x0026EAC5, 0x00149BEE,
/* 0x00A- */ 0x00086DD7, 0x000BB39F, 0x001C4A8A, 0x0031030F, 0x0004D4C2, 0x0009F3C9, 0x001B957A, 0xFFFE741F, 0xFFF959F8, 0x00065E9C, 0x0001E0F6, 0x001DF60C, 0x0018F7B4, 0x001CDF0B, 0x00197F55, 0x000387EC,
/* 0x00B- */ 0x0002CDE9, 0x00151671, 0x00176740, 0xFFFF1296, 0x000474EE, 0x0010C317, 0x001A01A0, 0x001FC289, 0x0028B4D5, 0x0014D76D, 0x00150346, 0xFFFFBA4F, 0x00010E38, 0x001F08D1, 0x00015FBA, 0x00042DCB,
/* 0x00C- */ 0x00275D4A, 0x001A019F, 0x0015F3DE, 0x00043175, 0xFFFEF7A7, 0x000AF506, 0x000AE99A, 0x0005F196, 0x000D5F92, 0x00267842, 0x00284251, 0x00180F34, 0x0013A672, 0x001028D1, 0x000E73B4, 0x000BF40B,
/* 0x00D- */ 0x000B42E2, 0x00097053, 0x00093967, 0x0007C88E, 0x00243BAF, 0x0007D682, 0x00069DB9, 0x002B02AF, 0x0006D776, 0x0005C022, 0x0020E374, 0x00224D1D, 0x0027CFCD, 0x0025F9F2, 0x00061818, 0x0004D33C,
/* 0x00E- */ 0x0006FDF4, 0x001D01CF, 0x0005663B, 0x000830B0, 0xFFFA934E, 0x00083ED0, 0xFFF93361, 0xFFF6FEB3, 0xFFFB8312, 0xFFFF5386, 0x000D3FA1, 0x00257C5E, 0x00051447, 0x001B4964, 0xFFFB3789, 0x0016D03F,
/* 0x00F- */ 0x0019F1D9, 0x00208207, 0x000B3A4B, 0x0009E473, 0x00111053, 0xFFFF9D72, 0x0021F30C, 0x001DCF35, 0x0023C92B, 0x00231E30, 0x001578B3, 0x0009ADC5, 0x000B1217, 0x00003237, 0xFFFE5985, 0x000519AA,

/* 0x---0 0x---1 0x---2 0x---3 0x---4 0x---5 0x---6 0x---7 0x---8 0x---9 0x---A 0x---B 0x---C 0x---D 0x---E 0x---F */
/* 0x010- */ 0x0000FB16, 0x000F00EF, 0xFFFEC97B, 0x000B00AF, 0x000A009F, 0x0001F62E, 0x0002E32F, 0x0003237C, 0x000614C2, 0x0008A990, 0x00079ABF, 0x0002BF75, 0x0005393E, 0x0005B785, 0x00041617, 0x00074721,
/* 0x011- */ 0x00085291, 0x00084980, 0x000D80D7, 0x0008BAD4, 0x0006DF56, 0x000A00A0, 0x00080170, 0x00083F8B, 0x00077D83, 0x000755CA, 0x000B2EDD, 0x000E5077, 0x00077C32, 0x0007283B, 0x00088DF0, 0x00082ABD,
/* 0x012- */ 0x000D6B70, 0x000E4ACB, 0x000C0614, 0x00054EFB, 0x00060281, 0x00089346, 0x0009D752, 0x000A6514, 0xFFFDC92F, 0xFFFE30C4, 0x00045DE0, 0x000EDA55, 0x00039E78, 0x000BB40B, 0x000143E4, 0x000BB40A,
/* 0x013- */ 0x00093D67, 0x000CF7F0, 0x000CF7EF, 0xFFFE6E42, 0x00083D28, 0x00077110, 0x00194DED, 0x000A2385, 0x002A0C61, 0x0004D44A, 0xFFFC68B5, 0xFFFC472F, 0xFFFF4170, 0x000938C7, 0x002A82A7, 0x002A029F,
/* 0x014- */ 0xFFFD4545, 0xFFFB4919, 0x00015F86, 0x00084E1E, 0x002271A0, 0xFFFE435A, 0xFFF652AC, 0x00090C2C, 0x000B6310, 0x000D79B9, 0x0010FF8E, 0x0014CA28, 0x001E69BB, 0x0017AD59, 0x0013AEA5, 0x0012C99D,
/* 0x015- */ 0x000E79E0, 0x000C2136, 0x000A3355, 0x0008E134, 0x00093FB6, 0x001FD3DB, 0x00099A7D, 0x0009ECDA, 0x00074882, 0x001537E8, 0x000681C8, 0x000B753B, 0x00074D3F, 0x0005C15F, 0xFFFC5C70, 0x0008F9DB,
/* 0x016- */ 0xFFFC5C71, 0x0013313E, 0x000EC2FB, 0x001A9089, 0x0015ECF8, 0x001263A6, 0x00077449, 0x0005C660, 0x00014F43, 0x00043C25, 0xFFFE9F89, 0xFFFD273C, 0x0006F121, 0x000F8F66, 0x00097D39, 0xFFFDE38F,
/* 0x017- */ 0x0005BAE8, 0xFFFE6B21, 0x00047DE8, 0x000B289C, 0x00046D6C, 0x00180C29, 0x00143652, 0x0008F24A, 0x001482D7, 0x000CBB24, 0x000CB46E, 0x00055E2D, 0x000AF8EA, 0x0003B5EA, 0x0005D0B0, 0x0004EBA8,
/* 0x018- */ 0x000425AC, 0x000126AC, 0x000345BF, 0x0007C7B3, 0x000D00CF, 0x0012011F, 0x00037706, 0x0002F5BC, 0x0003153D, 0x00028BD3, 0x0002CD1E, 0x00023BB0, 0x0002F0F9, 0x0002679D, 0x00036850, 0x0002A18A,
/* 0x019- */ 0x00040ADC, 0x0002F144, 0x00036576, 0x00065552, 0x00041CAA, 0x0009D13D, 0x0005004F, 0xFFF50716, 0xFFF77210, 0xFFF4D735, 0xFFF5B0A5, 0xFFF2E0D2, 0xFFF7C1A1, 0xFFFF9777, 0xFFF61044, 0xFFF7825A,
/* 0x01A- */ 0xFFF4EB57, 0xFFF53603, 0x000FF4EF, 0x00090B4D, 0xFFF748E4, 0xFFF85FAD, 0xFFF6F263, 0x0011AE96, 0x0014013F, 0xFFF6E9D4, 0x000A49D6, 0x00002A18, 0xFFF69151, 0x000C80C7, 0xFFF6C7C2, 0x000BA161,
/* 0x01B- */ 0xFFF91045, 0xFFF8B999, 0x00080D43, 0x0001BB82, 0x0002FE16, 0x000AF8FD, 0x0003731B, 0x000210B3, 0xFFF44C05, 0x0003FD3C, 0x0003ADFC, 0x0003FD73, 0xFFF4084D, 0xFFF46923, 0xFFF409DD, 0xFFF48BC7,
/* 0x01C- */ 0xFFF40BDE, 0xFFF4B5A7, 0xFFF40E80, 0xFFF4E93E, 0xFFF4120B, 0xFFF52A52, 0xFFF416FB, 0xFFF57ECF, 0xFFF41E23, 0xFFF5F098, 0xFFF4290F, 0xFFF43AEC, 0xFFF45AFF, 0xFFF49CF0, 0xFFF543A6, 0x0003002F,
/* 0x01D- */ 0xFFFAFFB1, 0xFFFCBBB4, 0x000EB659, 0xFFFC13A4, 0x0006DDA1, 0xFFFE09D2, 0xFFFE4D46, 0xFFFEBC1C, 0xFFFF8D7D, 0xFFFE447E, 0x0009CEE6, 0x000759AA, 0xFFFB198E, 0x0006B5B8, 0xFFF8D7C5, 0xFFF50984,
/* 0x01E- */ 0x00098C5C, 0xFFFC1C28, 0x000279B8, 0xFFFD8648, 0x000C2097, 0x0004BE9C, 0x000A9DF7, 0x00049EB3, 0xFFF868A0, 0xFFFF32B2, 0xFFFFBB91, 0x0006EE0D, 0x000F2EC1, 0x00060309, 0x000D48E9, 0xFFFA4E78,
/* 0x01F- */ 0xFFF682C7, 0xFFF947E6, 0x00005A87, 0xFFFAB206, 0x0003E3D9, 0x0003E3D8, 0x00054DFA, 0x000498E9, 0xFFF5640D, 0x000088DE, 0xFFFDC7DA, 0xFFFB7499, 0xFFFD8CC8, 0x00042948, 0x0006A874, 0xFFF6D860,

/* 0x---0 0x---1 0x---2 0x---3 0x---4 0x---5 0x---6 0x---7 0x---8 0x---9 0x---A 0x---B 0x---C 0x---D 0x---E 0x---F */
/* 0x020- */ 0xFFF60351, 0x000BA6CC, 0xFFF3FF41, 0xFFF45934, 0xFFFA2C9B, 0xFFF654BC, 0xFFF8FF90, 0x00023A98, 0xFFFACC9D, 0x00032857, 0xFFFCD8A5, 0x000927A0, 0x00027F2B, 0x0009FCAF, 0xFFFF554C, 0x0002C93E,
/* 0x021- */ 0x00006FC1, 0x0002D8C4, 0x0000BB00, 0x000C55FD, 0xFFFEC664, 0x0003543A, 0x0003B6FE, 0x0001A4C1, 0x0003CBAF, 0x0001DFE2, 0x0003D8D7, 0x000D76F1, 0x00064334, 0xFFFBF524, 0xFFF86541, 0xFFF3BFE4,
/* 0x022- */ 0xFFF9AA46, 0xFFF38427, 0xFFF1546C, 0x000052D5, 0x0001F3ED, 0x00003DA7, 0x0001F0D5, 0x000022D8, 0x0001EC6C, 0xFFFFD140, 0x0001DB7E, 0xFFFF903F, 0xFFFEAA96, 0x000F9F70, 0x0003E7DC, 0x00022ADF,
/* 0x023- */ 0x0003E1AA, 0x00076D2B, 0x0008223A, 0x00010F98, 0xFFFEF068, 0x00028027, 0xFFFB6717, 0xFFFC1C27, 0xFFFFA579, 0xFFF5BE95, 0xFFF892D5, 0x0001C4A9, 0x000AAB54, 0xFFFC7FC9, 0xFFFCFFD1, 0xFFF7666A,
/* 0x024- */ 0x0007367E, 0x00048047, 0x000E2545, 0x000D7035, 0x0007D8B8, 0xFFF82748, 0xFFF90593, 0x0008C47D, 0xFFF90943, 0x00092D9F, 0x0007006F, 0x0004155F, 0x0006200E, 0xFFF8208B, 0xFFF72C32, 0xFFF9225F,
/* 0x025- */ 0x0003EC5C, 0xFFFA9B67, 0xFFFA0870, 0xFFFA7FA9, 0xFFF6311A, 0xFFF8FD3A, 0xFFFA1D77, 0x000DBB41, 0x0005E289, 0x000CC02B, 0x000BC514, 0xFFFDA475, 0x00062137, 0xFFFF04EA, 0x00053289, 0xFFFB614D,
/* 0x026- */ 0xFFF628AE, 0x00068897, 0x0005B188, 0xFFF8A656, 0x00079760, 0x0007C234, 0xFFF9A5CA, 0xFFF45E9F, 0xFFF2B717, 0xFFFAB105, 0xFFFE1D2B, 0xFFFACD77, 0xFFF58FDB, 0xFFF7D543, 0xFFF76CBA, 0xFFF95B8B,
/* 0x027- */ 0xFFFF6C2B, 0xFFFD243F, 0xFFFA39A0, 0xFFFC3451, 0x0005B784, 0xFFF490F7, 0x000B8CC1, 0xFFF6C299, 0xFFFC88FA, 0xFFF4286D, 0x000EB355, 0x000CA8A6, 0x000C8669, 0xFFFD243E, 0xFFF70DB6, 0x0009CCE4,
/* 0x028- */ 0x0001BB83, 0x00065A36, 0x000093D5, 0xFFFED23A, 0xFFFECB2D, 0xFFFD1CD1, 0xFFFCD643, 0xFFFED854, 0xFFFC1454, 0xFFFBFDFA, 0x0004E773, 0xFFF149A7, 0x00054BC2, 0xFFF83DCC, 0xFFF78039, 0xFFFCF2CB,
/* 0x029- */ 0x000A43B3, 0xFFF69D46, 0xFFF57CE9, 0x0004704D, 0x000111BD, 0x0001ECCB, 0x0000D27B, 0x000AB044, 0xFFFE1A28, 0x00038037, 0xFFF4D123, 0x000ABC5A, 0xFFF87E1D, 0x00024F59, 0x0007853B, 0x0006EFBB,
/* 0x02A- */ 0x00074667, 0x0004AAF5, 0x00095B3E, 0x0009F396, 0xFFFCB30A, 0xFFFE55E4, 0xFFFD552C, 0xFFF4FB8A, 0xFFF7135D, 0xFFF84CD5, 0x00056C27, 0x00059466, 0x00056DB4, 0x000287CA, 0x0002B6DA, 0x000AC9FD,
/* 0x02B- */ 0xFFF5B62A, 0xFFFBFFC1, 0xFFFC1E56, 0x00087FC7, 0xFFF75670, 0xFFFB7FB9, 0xFFF1DABB, 0x0005AB04, 0x000655BA, 0xFFF91087, 0x000AF67C, 0xFFF911F3, 0xFFFF2AF2, 0x000855DB, 0x0004FE57, 0x000555AA,
/* 0x02C- */ 0x0006B81A, 0x00032EC9, 0x000AD1BD, 0xFFFE3B57, 0xFFFBD235, 0x00089996, 0xFFFCD137, 0xFFF7DDC6, 0xFFFAAA56, 0xFFF7F2BD, 0x0002AC5B, 0x0002C630, 0xFFFC551C, 0xFFF7F474, 0xFFF3CB2A, 0xFFF3CB2B,
/* 0x02D- */ 0x0006EF79, 0x0007C488, 0xFFF3F9EC, 0xFFF2F61D, 0x0001AAC5, 0xFFF344DC, 0xFFF673A4, 0xFFFD80D5, 0x0005D365, 0x0008D74B, 0xFFF69B31, 0x000FB170, 0x000C12B9, 0xFFFE2482, 0xFFF6B686, 0xFFFD7FD9,
/* 0x02E- */ 0xFFF29490, 0x000A7025, 0x00088A4C, 0x0001399C, 0x000C401C, 0x000C5D6F, 0x000BA501, 0xFFFD16C0, 0x000C426F, 0xFFFD0EBC, 0x000BD6F1, 0xFFFDB0A7, 0xFFFD0A44, 0x000B8542, 0x000BE1DD, 0xFFFCEAC3,
/* 0x02F- */ 0xFFFD0789, 0x000B7C30, 0x000BE905, 0xFFFCC751, 0xFFFD05BF, 0x000B7346, 0x000BEDF5, 0xFFFCACFD, 0xFFFD0484, 0x0009008F, 0x0008F277, 0x00099E1A, 0xFFFF09CA, 0xFFFF0D15, 0xFFF8833C, 0x0009DC85,

/* 0x---0 0x---1 0x---2 0x---3 0x---4 0x---5 0x---6 0x---7 0x---8 0x---9 0x---A 0x---B 0x---C 0x---D 0x---E 0x---F */
/* 0x030- */ 0xFFFB6F3E, 0x00057A82, 0xFFF9FCF7, 0xFFF728B5, 0x000A416B, 0xFFF59AEC, 0x0004E672, 0xFFF9DFF2, 0x0003ACD5, 0x000DDC1B, 0x0009F0F6, 0xFFFC0604, 0xFFF90A87, 0x00020020, 0x0003444C, 0x00095960,
/* 0x031- */ 0x000A33CC, 0x000A627B, 0xFFFADF81, 0xFFFAD034, 0xFFFC0DB0, 0xFFFACEC3, 0xFFFC0A0C, 0x00004D35, 0xFFFF6189, 0x000ADA5C, 0x0003AAE4, 0x0007AB24, 0x0000AAB4, 0xFFFDFFE0, 0x00080511, 0x00058057,
/* 0x032- */ 0x000BAB8B, 0x000CE5B6, 0x000BE8AC, 0x00010B33, 0x000D95D7, 0x000E16AD, 0x000DAB81, 0x000DBA32, 0x000B75D1, 0x000CA735, 0x000DBD4A, 0x000ED6A0, 0xFFF5F110, 0x000DBEAC, 0x0004C99A, 0x000AF56D,
/* 0x033- */ 0xFFF917F4, 0x000ECCAD, 0x000F476B, 0xFFFAA539, 0xFFFB111C, 0xFFFB79EA, 0x0005F0EE, 0x000CDF5B, 0x000C2B68, 0x000CD384, 0x000BC305, 0x000C9D6C, 0x000B0680, 0xFFFDD13A, 0xFFFE8B60, 0xFFFF207E,
/* 0x034- */ 0x000BD793, 0x0008FBD0, 0xFFF7EA46, 0xFFF3ED47, 0xFFFCCAC6, 0xFFFCABC6, 0xFFFD0F36, 0xFFF77CC9, 0xFFF4DB06, 0xFFF5C8C6, 0x0004A4BD, 0xFFFEE498, 0x0000CA6F, 0xFFFEE1B7, 0x0000ABC5, 0xFFF25B4E,
/* 0x035- */ 0xFFFF1241, 0x0005927C, 0x00011B68, 0x00030140, 0xFFF3D280, 0x000275D4, 0x00049620, 0xFFFDF1AB, 0x00011E49, 0x0002E858, 0xFFF87F89, 0x00043FE3, 0xFFFDFCB0, 0x00020350, 0xFFF497E1, 0x0004E719,
/* 0x036- */ 0xFFF97FC4, 0x000A373A, 0x0006CCF1, 0x0000287C, 0x0005976E, 0xFFFF543B, 0x000A47A8, 0xFFFB18E7, 0xFFF77F79, 0xFFF103C2, 0x0003CD60, 0xFFF67F69, 0xFFF2CDD2, 0x000B3A94, 0xFFF1E8CA, 0xFFED6B90,
/* 0x037- */ 0x0008B2C9, 0x00086BB8, 0x0009515A, 0x0007E2D9, 0x00067C76, 0xFFEF6102, 0xFFF89204, 0xFFFDC10C, 0x000609F2, 0x0005890B, 0x0005367E, 0x00036ED0, 0x0007158B, 0x0005DA05, 0x00035ADB, 0xFFFFD784,
/* 0x038- */ 0x0003A333, 0xFFFCFEC0, 0x0006803C, 0xFFFD36C2, 0x00076DFC, 0x000BE31B, 0x0009B5AA, 0x0002DBC1, 0x0007C0A1, 0x000A1094, 0x0006FC14, 0x0004B267, 0xFFFC0BD3, 0xFFF9330F, 0xFFFD42BF, 0x000954BC,
/* 0x039- */ 0xFFF92EE5, 0xFFF8A4D4, 0xFFFDF4F5, 0xFFFCB9D7, 0xFFFEB0BD, 0x000190CD, 0xFFFB96D1, 0xFFF89E83, 0x00002EC0, 0x0001BD5B, 0xFFFC6420, 0xFFF80E2D, 0x0001BCD5, 0x0001DD12, 0x0002D829, 0xFFF70B69,
/* 0x03A- */ 0xFFF2DF94, 0xFFFC4902, 0x0005C96E, 0x00060086, 0x00014D7C, 0x0005A943, 0x000741FF, 0xFFFE533B, 0xFFF8547D, 0x000454C8, 0x000A3C41, 0xFFFB58FA, 0xFFF83432, 0xFFF39F64, 0x0009DC86, 0x00076EE4,
/* 0x03B- */ 0xFFF18033, 0xFFF1D4EB, 0xFFF5E4D8, 0xFFF0BDF6, 0xFFF1907B, 0xFFF55101, 0x00046202, 0x00003941, 0x000A6799, 0x000B8B8D, 0x0002CA28, 0xFFFB9619, 0xFFF3B2D9, 0xFFF45CB2, 0xFFFD4FB9, 0xFFF45475,
/* 0x03C- */ 0x0000D33D, 0xFFF97F99, 0x00034668, 0x000B3AC4, 0x0002430A, 0x000066A7, 0x00092B8C, 0x0004ACB0, 0x00097D76, 0x000BE562, 0x0002B047, 0x0008B909, 0x0000EDBF, 0xFFFB5B43, 0xFFFA6D84, 0xFFF9B14A,
/* 0x03E- */ 0xFFFB8FB3, 0x000EDBF7, 0xFFFF0796, 0x0006A475, 0xFFFB8218, 0xFFFE2996, 0xFFFDFA92, 0x00007D8B, 0x00017197, 0xFFF7A05B, 0x000469E7, 0xFFFE875E, 0x0006104B, 0x00099E10, 0x00014050, 0xFFFE7016,
/* 0x03D- */ 0x000C7E7A, 0x0003E11A, 0xFFFD8A2C, 0xFFFDF0B6, 0xFFF01613, 0xFFF8C808, 0xFFEDCF1D, 0xFFF23544, 0x0006C485, 0x000603CC, 0x00081376, 0x0007617D, 0x00068C53, 0xFFF2FF87, 0x000D0079, 0xFFF95BDE,
/* 0x03F- */ 0xFFFAE54A, 0xFFFAC982, 0x00009CCE, 0x00020240, 0xFFF9ABAD, 0xFFF84023, 0x0001D66A, 0xFFFCEFF9, 0x0001F6E5, 0xFFFCA525, 0xFFFC41E7, 0xFFFD39D0, 0x00056481, 0x000165D2, 0x0004B752, 0x0007514A,

/* 0x---0 0x---1 0x---2 0x---3 0x---4 0x---5 0x---6 0x---7 0x---8 0x---9 0x---A 0x---B 0x---C 0x---D 0x---E 0x---F */
/* 0x040- */ 0x000574EF, 0xFFF91106, 0xFFFAFAD2, 0x000A4706, 0xFFFB7A59, 0x000B9180, 0x0009D27B, 0xFFFE5D21, 0x0002056E, 0x00084685, 0x0004559A, 0x0009497A, 0x0004CD4D, 0x0002D668, 0x0003A702, 0x00031AC1,
/* 0x041- */ 0xFFF9E36F, 0xFFFADB15, 0x000962BA, 0x000BDAA3, 0x00084B57, 0x0004956D, 0xFFFC4A16, 0x000D18A5, 0x0016015F, 0x000CFD61, 0x0002FF65, 0x0001FF98, 0x000278A0, 0x00017924, 0x0002FF51, 0x00027E90,
/* 0x042- */ 0x0001FF8B, 0x00017F23, 0x0013012F, 0x0002FF3A, 0xFFF70250, 0x0001FF7C, 0x0008FD60, 0xFFFE0096, 0x00093235, 0x0008FD04, 0x000943AE, 0x0008FC96, 0x0005FDB9, 0x000F8F65, 0x0005FE40, 0x000CFC36,
/* 0x043- */ 0x000CBDDB, 0xFFF80255, 0xFFF7CD12, 0xFFFC012B, 0xFFFC3BA0, 0xFFFC4E55, 0xFFFC0154, 0xFFFC0185, 0x000CFBAF, 0x000CC852, 0xFFF802A8, 0xFFF7D985, 0x000CFB11, 0xFFFE00C3, 0xFFF80309, 0x0002FC60,
/* 0x044- */ 0xFFFA0740, 0x0003D7BA, 0x0002FB7C, 0x00041021, 0x0002FA41, 0x0001FD95, 0x0002DAC4, 0x000313F9, 0x0001FCFE, 0x0001FC2C, 0xFFFE00E0, 0xFFFD7A2C, 0xFFFE0103, 0xFFFD8316, 0xFFFE012E, 0xFFFA0388,
/* 0x045- */ 0x0009FBA3, 0x0006FCF2, 0x0006708F, 0x000677FA, 0x0006FC78, 0x0006FBE1, 0xFFF904D8, 0x0001FE9E, 0xFFF90BE2, 0xFFF905C2, 0xFFF92549, 0xFFF906ED, 0x0001FE05, 0x000BF7B3, 0x000BEBA1, 0x000BFEC1,
/* 0x046- */ 0x000BF623, 0x000BF422, 0xFFF56209, 0xFFF37997, 0xFFF97769, 0xFFFA487B, 0xFFF775B4, 0xFFF70430, 0x000D4844, 0x000127AC, 0xFFF1C42C, 0x0010BE05, 0x000F8469, 0xFFF34B92, 0xFFF1B535, 0x000FE15C,
/* 0x047- */ 0x000DE531, 0x0008007F, 0x00104476, 0x000F979E, 0x0010C39F, 0x00053B7F, 0xFFF90A92, 0xFFFC8300, 0xFFF7113C, 0xFFFC07A9, 0x00072F8D, 0x000AEF51, 0x000DD019, 0xFFFA1488, 0x0006E80C, 0x000AC7A3,
/* 0x048- */ 0x0008F579, 0x0009B42C, 0x0000F2EB, 0x000815BA, 0x000A356D, 0x00003E1A, 0x0003040F, 0x000050F9, 0xFFF490F6, 0xFFF0D13F, 0x000781E3, 0x0006395B, 0x00055AC7, 0x00063FAA, 0x000563D1, 0x000646F9,
/* 0x049- */ 0x00064EB6, 0x000174A0, 0xFFFE8A27, 0xFFFEA70C, 0xFFFF579E, 0x0006A286, 0x00046DA3, 0xFFF9FFA1, 0x0001F928, 0x0003F250, 0xFFFFCEB9, 0xFFFF0E96, 0xFFF72528, 0xFFF691D2, 0xFFF5BF02, 0xFFF93515,
/* 0x04A- */ 0xFFF83CAB, 0xFFFE0F2B, 0xFFF7DB72, 0xFFFA487C, 0x000B6F0A, 0xFFF43CFB, 0xFFFF2EEE, 0xFFF5E0D5, 0x00073CF0, 0x0010557C, 0xFFF26A29, 0xFFF09E82, 0xFFF0E422, 0xFFF30810, 0xFFF2B7BC, 0x000236D1,
/* 0x04B- */ 0x0000F86A, 0x000329BD, 0x0000A862, 0x0008B91D, 0x00087DA6, 0xFFF3DF69, 0xFFF6D4FD, 0x000F86AC, 0x00091949, 0x001135E1, 0x000F7004, 0x0010EB05, 0x00098182, 0x0003A155, 0x00078756, 0xFFF7A445,
/* 0x04C- */ 0xFFFFE573, 0x0007C355, 0x0008BBC0, 0xFFC0FC11, 0xFFB47B48, 0xFFC1FC21, 0xFFC07C09, 0xFFE72C71, 0xFFE56261, 0xFFCA523E, 0xFFD151CF, 0xFFDFEBBB, 0xFFC17C19, 0xFFE0B90A, 0xFFE59BA3, 0xFFE4B69C,
/* 0x04D- */ 0xFFE6AE39, 0xFFEA743F, 0xFFE5CEB6, 0xFFE98680, 0xFFEAFFB4, 0xFFEDF87B, 0xFFEA15F4, 0xFFED058F, 0xFFEE311D, 0xFFF09CA4, 0xFFED412C, 0xFFEFA66E, 0xFFF09E70, 0xFFF2A844, 0xFFEFAA84, 0xFFF1AFD9,
/* 0x04E- */ 0xFFEFB6E4, 0xFFC4FC51, 0xFFEECF46, 0xFFC8D50C, 0xFFCF329E, 0xFFD91982, 0x0007E4A1, 0x00071F55, 0xFFFCFBF1, 0x000C00BF, 0x000D7034, 0x00022865, 0x0003B836, 0xFFFC45DC, 0x000CA6F6, 0x000B60A4,
/* 0x04F- */ 0x000191BE, 0x0002FE3C, 0x0002E819, 0x0001FED2, 0x0001E989, 0x0002FDED, 0x0002FAE8, 0x0001FC9B, 0x0002FD89, 0x0000FF2D, 0x0001FE5B, 0x000BF180, 0x0003FB2A, 0x000AF2B5, 0x0004F9F5, 0x0009F3EA,

/* 0x---0 0x---1 0x---2 0x---3 0x---4 0x---5 0x---6 0x---7 0x---8 0x---9 0x---A 0x---B 0x---C 0x---D 0x---E 0x---F */
/* 0x050- */ 0x0005F8C0, 0xFFFD03A0, 0xFFFE026B, 0xFFFF0136, 0x0001DDCF, 0x0002F475, 0x0001F84E, 0x0000FE16, 0x00068067, 0x00078077, 0x00088087, 0x00117DEF, 0x0010F092, 0xFFF525A4, 0xFFF5683B, 0x0001556A,
/* 0x051- */ 0x0009AB44, 0xFFF3DECA, 0xFFF6A6A0, 0x0009645A, 0xFFF954EC, 0x0012602B, 0xFFF4733F, 0xFFF33FD5, 0xFFF244BF, 0xFFF5F853, 0x000F0B84, 0x0007098F, 0x00113967, 0x000E25F7, 0xFFFD53A5, 0x000964CF,
/* 0x052- */ 0xFFFC87BF, 0x0006A422
Distance table - Black 2 and White 2
* Table created by Gonhex
* Number of entries: 1285
* All values signed int32
* Tiles = value / 0x10000

/* 0x---0 0x---1 0x---2 0x---3 0x---4 0x---5 0x---6 0x---7 0x---8 0x---9 0x---A 0x---B 0x---C 0x---D 0x---E 0x---F */
/* 0x000- */ 0x0002001F, 0x00018017, 0xFFFCFFD1, 0x00000000, 0x000F1AC8, 0x000DB2B6, 0x000F01AC, 0x000F9E43, 0x000F1E98, 0xFFFC6BE2, 0xFFFCDE66, 0xFFFDFFE1, 0xFFFEFFF1, 0xFFFB0C8F, 0x0001556B, 0x0004704D,
/* 0x001- */ 0x00021F30, 0x0004AAF5, 0x00038951, 0xFFFE95E0, 0xFFFC7FC9, 0x00016A20, 0xFFF6CE2D, 0xFFFE7FE9, 0xFFF6191D, 0xFFF7AD6F, 0x00043E61, 0xFFFB01A9, 0x0000B510, 0x000712A2, 0xFFF4AEFC, 0xFFFDE0D0,
/* 0x002- */ 0x0009CEE6, 0x0003EC5C, 0x0002F144, 0x0005004F, 0x0008D3CE, 0x0007D8B8, 0x0004E773, 0xFFFB188D, 0x0001F62E, 0xFFFC13A4, 0x0000FB16, 0xFFFD2BBF, 0xFFF7833D, 0x0004F371, 0xFFFD0EBC, 0x0002D441,
/* 0x003- */ 0xFFFBC19F, 0xFFF8ED5E, 0xFFFDC36D, 0x0001000F, 0x0001CA0E, 0x0000E507, 0x00007283, 0xFFFEA875, 0xFFFB86DB, 0x00020AAF, 0x0000CD4E, 0x0001A225, 0xFFFBF95F, 0xFFFF7FF9, 0x00016317, 0x00008E09,
/* 0x004- */ 0x00019A9C, 0x0000D112, 0x00006889, 0x0002AF16, 0x0002DBC2, 0x00027338, 0x0002AAD4, 0x0001AA1C, 0x0000D50E, 0x000267EB, 0xFFFF1AF9, 0x0002237B, 0x00023C93, 0x0001562D, 0x0002557B, 0x0001AAC4,
/* 0x005- */ 0x000406A1, 0xFFFE35F2, 0x0003219A, 0xFFF9BCCC, 0x00047925, 0x000E00DF, 0x000B5104, 0x00087CC3, 0xFFF69BA6, 0xFFF9A26E, 0x000A9BF3, 0x0009E6E3, 0xFFFA577E, 0xFFFB1458, 0xFFFAA1D3, 0xFFF8384E,
/* 0x006- */ 0xFFF6331C, 0xFFFA2F50, 0xFFF94A48, 0xFFFC532B, 0x00065D92, 0xFFFE5DDB, 0x0005A882, 0xFFFDF551, 0x0000EF97, 0x0001BF3C, 0x00006FCF, 0x00011010, 0x00013F74, 0x00068F85, 0x000633DB, 0x0005E091,
/* 0x007- */ 0xFFFF703F, 0x0000DF9E, 0xFFFF504D, 0x00008FC1, 0x00001000, 0xFFFFA02A, 0x0000AFB3, 0x0000BFAC, 0xFFFF4054, 0x00005FD6, 0xFFFFD015, 0xFFFF4AF0, 0x000931D3, 0x00080D43, 0x00064334, 0xFFF5640D,
/* 0x008- */ 0xFFFBF524, 0xFFF86541, 0xFFF3BFE4, 0xFFF9AA46, 0xFFF38427, 0xFFF1546C, 0x00048047, 0xFFF82748, 0xFFF90593, 0x0008C47D, 0xFFF90943, 0x00092D9F, 0xFFF43AEC, 0xFFFAFFB1, 0xFFF8208B, 0xFFF72C32,
/* 0x009- */ 0xFFF9225F, 0xFFFE09D2, 0xFFFA9B67, 0xFFFA0870, 0xFFFA7FA9, 0xFFF6311A, 0xFFF8FD3A, 0xFFFA1D77, 0x0007C7B2, 0x0007C7B3, 0xFFFC76AF, 0x001000FF, 0x0008FC13, 0x0002E940, 0xFFFA2D80, 0x0006005F,
/* 0x00A- */ 0x0004003F, 0xFFFBEAA1, 0xFFFB4164, 0x0001E5D8, 0xFFFB25EB, 0xFFFD50EA, 0x0001578B, 0x0003941E, 0x0009DDC9, 0x00008007, 0xFFF8384D, 0x001EC444, 0x001EC443, 0x000A3061, 0x001DB4AB, 0xFFFF1DA1,
/* 0x00B- */ 0x002B82B7, 0x000897E4, 0x0032031F, 0x002F02EF, 0x000038BF, 0xFFFF5D2A, 0x00085BBB, 0x00097611, 0x00007A84, 0xFFFFA79A, 0x000CF8EC, 0x00127ACE, 0x0000C7A4, 0xFFFF13DE, 0x001CFF9A, 0x001CFF9B,
/* 0x00C- */ 0x00019216, 0x0000D003, 0x00021A88, 0x0001710D, 0xFFFCBAE0, 0x000160DA, 0x0005608F, 0x0002C6AF, 0x00024167, 0x000A079E, 0x000A079F, 0x0003A677, 0x000358B6, 0x0022E425, 0x0026EAC5, 0x00149BEE,
/* 0x00D- */ 0x00086DD7, 0x000BB39F, 0x001C4A8A, 0x0031030F, 0x0004D4C2, 0x0009F3C9, 0x001B957A, 0xFFFE741F, 0xFFF959F8, 0x00065E9C, 0x0001E0F6, 0x001DF60C, 0x0018F7B4, 0x001CDF0B, 0x00197F55, 0x000387EC,
/* 0x00E- */ 0x0002CDE9, 0x00151671, 0x00176740, 0xFFFF1296, 0x000474EE, 0x0010C317, 0x001A01A0, 0x001FC289, 0x0028B4D5, 0x0014D76D, 0x00150346, 0xFFFFBA4F, 0x00010E38, 0x001F08D1, 0x00015FBA, 0x00042DCB,
/* 0x00F- */ 0x00275D4A, 0x001A019F, 0x0015F3DE, 0x00043175, 0xFFFEF7A7, 0x000AF506, 0x000AE99A, 0x0005F196, 0x000D5F92, 0x00267842, 0x00284251, 0x00180F34, 0x0013A672, 0x001028D1, 0x000E73B4, 0x000BF40B,

/* 0x---0 0x---1 0x---2 0x---3 0x---4 0x---5 0x---6 0x---7 0x---8 0x---9 0x---A 0x---B 0x---C 0x---D 0x---E 0x---F */
/* 0x010- */ 0x000B42E2, 0x00097053, 0x00093967, 0x0007C88E, 0x00243BAF, 0x0007D682, 0x00069DB9, 0x002B02AF, 0x0006D776, 0x0005C022, 0x0020E374, 0x00224D1D, 0x0027CFCD, 0x0025F9F2, 0x00061818, 0x0004D33C,
/* 0x011- */ 0x0006FDF4, 0x001D01CF, 0x0005663B, 0x000830B0, 0xFFFA934E, 0x00083ED0, 0xFFF93361, 0xFFF6FEB3, 0xFFFB8312, 0xFFFF5386, 0x000D3FA1, 0x00257C5E, 0x00051447, 0x001B4964, 0xFFFB3789, 0x0016D03F,
/* 0x012- */ 0x0019F1D9, 0x00208207, 0x000B3A4B, 0x0009E473, 0x00111053, 0xFFFF9D72, 0x0021F30C, 0x001DCF35, 0x0023C92B, 0x00231E30, 0x001578B3, 0x0009ADC5, 0x000B1217, 0x00003237, 0xFFFE5985, 0x000519AA,
/* 0x013- */ 0x000F00EF, 0xFFFEC97B, 0x000B00AF, 0x000A009F, 0x0002E32F, 0x0003237C, 0x000614C2, 0x0008A990, 0x00079ABF, 0x0002BF75, 0x0005393E, 0x0005B785, 0x00041617, 0x00074721, 0x00085291, 0x00084980,
/* 0x014- */ 0x000D80D7, 0x0008BAD4, 0x0006DF56, 0x000A00A0, 0x00080170, 0x00083F8B, 0x00077D83, 0x000755CA, 0x000B2EDD, 0x000E5077, 0x00077C32, 0x0007283B, 0x00088DF0, 0x00082ABD, 0x000D6B70, 0x000E4ACB,
/* 0x015- */ 0x000C0614, 0x00054EFB, 0x00060281, 0x00089346, 0x0009D752, 0x000A6514, 0xFFFDC92F, 0xFFFE30C4, 0x00045DE0, 0x000EDA55, 0x00039E78, 0x000BB40B, 0x000143E4, 0x000BB40A, 0x00093D67, 0x000CF7F0,
/* 0x016- */ 0x000CF7EF, 0xFFFE6E42, 0x00083D28, 0x00077110, 0x00194DED, 0x000A2385, 0x002A0C61, 0x0004D44A, 0xFFFC68B5, 0xFFFC472F, 0xFFFF4170, 0x000938C7, 0x002A82A7, 0x002A029F, 0xFFFD4545, 0xFFFB4919,
/* 0x017- */ 0x00015F86, 0x00084E1E, 0x002271A0, 0xFFFE435A, 0xFFF652AC, 0x00090C2C, 0x000B6310, 0x000D79B9, 0x0010FF8E, 0x0014CA28, 0x001E69BB, 0x0017AD59, 0x0013AEA5, 0x0012C99D, 0x000E79E0, 0x000C2136,
/* 0x018- */ 0x000A3355, 0x0008E134, 0x00093FB6, 0x001FD3DB, 0x00099A7D, 0x0009ECDA, 0x00074882, 0x001537E8, 0x000681C8, 0x000B753B, 0x00074D3F, 0x0005C15F, 0xFFFC5C70, 0x0008F9DB, 0xFFFC5C71, 0x0013313E,
/* 0x019- */ 0x000EC2FB, 0x001A9089, 0x0015ECF8, 0x001263A6, 0x00077449, 0x0005C660, 0x00014F43, 0x00043C25, 0xFFFE9F89, 0xFFFD273C, 0x0006F121, 0x000F8F66, 0x00097D39, 0xFFFDE38F, 0x0005BAE8, 0xFFFE6B21,
/* 0x01A- */ 0x00047DE8, 0x000B289C, 0x00046D6C, 0x00180C29, 0x00143652, 0x0008F24A, 0x001482D7, 0x000CBB24, 0x000CB46E, 0x00055E2D, 0x000AF8EA, 0x0003B5EA, 0x0005D0B0, 0x0004EBA8, 0x000425AC, 0x000126AC,
/* 0x01B- */ 0x000345BF, 0x000D00CF, 0x0012011F, 0x00037706, 0x0002F5BC, 0x0003153D, 0x00028BD3, 0x0002CD1E, 0x00023BB0, 0x0002F0F9, 0x0002679D, 0x00036850, 0x0002A18A, 0x00040ADC, 0x00036576, 0x00065552,
/* 0x01C- */ 0x00041CAA, 0x0009D13D, 0xFFF50716, 0xFFF77210, 0xFFF4D735, 0xFFF5B0A5, 0xFFF2E0D2, 0xFFF7C1A1, 0xFFFF9777, 0xFFF61044, 0xFFF7825A, 0xFFF4EB57, 0xFFF53603, 0x000FF4EF, 0x00090B4D, 0xFFF748E4,
/* 0x01D- */ 0xFFF85FAD, 0xFFF6F263, 0x0011AE96, 0x0014013F, 0xFFF6E9D4, 0x000A49D6, 0x00002A18, 0xFFF69151, 0x000C80C7, 0xFFF6C7C2, 0x000BA161, 0xFFF91045, 0xFFF8B999, 0x0001BB82, 0x0002FE16, 0x000AF8FD,
/* 0x01E- */ 0x0003731B, 0x000210B3, 0xFFF44C05, 0x0003FD3C, 0x0003ADFC, 0x0003FD73, 0xFFF4084D, 0xFFF46923, 0xFFF409DD, 0xFFF48BC7, 0xFFF40BDE, 0xFFF4B5A7, 0xFFF40E80, 0xFFF4E93E, 0xFFF4120B, 0xFFF52A52,
/* 0x01F- */ 0xFFF416FB, 0xFFF57ECF, 0xFFF41E23, 0xFFF5F098, 0xFFF4290F, 0xFFF45AFF, 0xFFF49CF0, 0xFFF543A6, 0x0003002F, 0x0007006F, 0x0009008F, 0xFFFCBBB4, 0x000EB659, 0x0006DDA1, 0xFFFE4D46, 0xFFFEBC1C,

/* 0x---0 0x---1 0x---2 0x---3 0x---4 0x---5 0x---6 0x---7 0x---8 0x---9 0x---A 0x---B 0x---C 0x---D 0x---E 0x---F */
/* 0x020- */ 0xFFFF8D7D, 0xFFFE447E, 0x000759AA, 0xFFFB198E, 0x0006B5B8, 0xFFF8D7C5, 0xFFF50984, 0x00098C5C, 0xFFFC1C28, 0x000279B8, 0xFFFD8648, 0x000C2097, 0x0004BE9C, 0x000A9DF7, 0x00049EB3, 0xFFF868A0,
/* 0x021- */ 0x0006EE0D, 0x000F2EC1, 0x00060309, 0x000D48E9, 0xFFFA4E78, 0xFFF682C7, 0xFFF947E6, 0x00005A87, 0xFFFAB206, 0x0003E3D9, 0x0003E3D8, 0x00054DFA, 0x000498E9, 0x00099A9A, 0xFFFDC7DA, 0xFFFB7499,
/* 0x022- */ 0xFFFD8CC8, 0x00042948, 0x0006A874, 0xFFFA2C9B, 0x000927A0, 0x00027F2B, 0xFFFF554C, 0x0002C93E, 0x00006FC1, 0x0002D8C4, 0x0000BB00, 0x000C55FD, 0xFFFEC664, 0x0003543A, 0x0003B6FE, 0x0001A4C1,
/* 0x023- */ 0x0003CBAF, 0x0001DFE2, 0x0003D8D7, 0x000D76F1, 0xFFFBFFC1, 0x000052D5, 0x0001F3ED, 0x00003DA7, 0x0001F0D5, 0x000022D8, 0x0001EC6C, 0xFFFFD140, 0x0001DB7E, 0xFFFF903F, 0xFFFF32B2, 0xFFFEAA96,
/* 0x024- */ 0x000F9F70, 0x0003E7DC, 0x00022ADF, 0x0003E1AA, 0x00076D2B, 0x0008223A, 0x00010F98, 0xFFFEF068, 0x00028027, 0xFFFB6717, 0xFFFC1C27, 0xFFFFA579, 0xFFF5BE95, 0xFFF892D5, 0x0001C4A9, 0x000AAB54,
/* 0x025- */ 0xFFF7666A, 0x0007367E, 0x000E2545, 0x000D7035, 0x0004155F, 0x0006200E, 0x00104476, 0x00038037, 0x000ABC5A, 0x00058057, 0x000DBB41, 0x0005E289, 0x000CC02B, 0x000BC514, 0xFFFDA475, 0x00062137,
/* 0x026- */ 0xFFFF04EA, 0x00053289, 0xFFFB614D, 0xFFF628AE, 0x00068897, 0x0005B188, 0xFFF8A656, 0x00079760, 0x0007C234, 0xFFF9A5CA, 0xFFF45E9F, 0xFFF2B717, 0xFFFAB105, 0xFFFE1D2B, 0xFFFACD77, 0xFFF58FDB,
/* 0x027- */ 0xFFF7D543, 0xFFF76CBA, 0xFFF95B8B, 0xFFFF6C2B, 0xFFFD243F, 0xFFFA39A0, 0xFFFC3451, 0x0005B784, 0xFFF490F7, 0x000B8CC1, 0xFFF6C299, 0xFFFC88FA, 0xFFF4286D, 0x000EB355, 0x000CA8A6, 0x000C8669,
/* 0x028- */ 0xFFFD243E, 0xFFF70DB6, 0x0009CCE4, 0x0001BB83, 0x00065A36, 0x000093D5, 0xFFFED23A, 0xFFFECB2D, 0xFFFD1CD1, 0xFFFCD643, 0xFFFED854, 0xFFFC1454, 0xFFFBFDFA, 0xFFF149A7, 0x00054BC2, 0xFFF83DCC,
/* 0x029- */ 0xFFF78039, 0xFFFCF2CB, 0x000A43B3, 0xFFF69D46, 0xFFF57CE9, 0x000111BD, 0x0001ECCB, 0x0000D27B, 0x000AB044, 0x00098097, 0xFFFE1A28, 0xFFF4D123, 0xFFF8FF91, 0xFFF9FFA1, 0xFFF87E1D, 0x00024F59,
/* 0x02A- */ 0x0007853B, 0x0006EFBB, 0x00074667, 0x00095B3E, 0x0009F396, 0xFFFCB30A, 0xFFFE55E4, 0xFFFD552C, 0xFFF4FB8A, 0xFFF7135D, 0xFFF84CD5, 0x00056C27, 0x00059466, 0x00056DB4, 0x000287CA, 0x0002B6DA,
/* 0x02B- */ 0x000AC9FD, 0xFFF5B62A, 0xFFFC1E56, 0x00087FC7, 0xFFF75670, 0xFFFB7FB9, 0x0005AB04, 0x000655BA, 0x0009FCAF, 0xFFF91087, 0x000AF67C, 0xFFF911F3, 0x000BA6CC, 0x0006AEE3, 0xFFFF2AF2, 0x000855DB,
/* 0x02C- */ 0x0004FE57, 0x000555AA, 0x0006B81A, 0x00032EC9, 0x000AD1BD, 0xFFFE3B57, 0xFFFBD235, 0x00089996, 0xFFFCD137, 0xFFF7DDC6, 0xFFFAAA56, 0xFFF7F2BD, 0x0002AC5B, 0x0002C630, 0xFFFC551C, 0xFFF7F474,
/* 0x02D- */ 0xFFF3CB2A, 0xFFF3FF41, 0xFFF3CB2B, 0x0006EF79, 0x0007C488, 0xFFF3F9EC, 0xFFF2F61D, 0x0001AAC5, 0xFFF344DC, 0xFFF673A4, 0xFFFD80D5, 0xFFF60351, 0x0005D365, 0x0008D74B, 0xFFF45475, 0xFFF9FCF7,
/* 0x02E- */ 0x0008007F, 0xFFF69B31, 0x000FB170, 0x000C12B9, 0xFFFE2482, 0xFFF6B686, 0xFFFD7FD9, 0xFFF29490, 0x00148147, 0x00118117, 0x00142128, 0x00128127, 0x0013012F, 0x00101A86, 0x0009B5AA, 0x000CD4E8,
/* 0x02F- */ 0x000C079A, 0x000A8AB8, 0x000FABA4, 0x0009D27B, 0x00062123, 0x0012C8B4, 0x000BAB8B, 0x0012602B, 0x000F357F, 0x000E80E7, 0x0008E09B, 0x000F00F0, 0x000DDDF4, 0x000A416B, 0x000A7025, 0x00088A4C,

/* 0x---0 0x---1 0x---2 0x---3 0x---4 0x---5 0x---6 0x---7 0x---8 0x---9 0x---A 0x---B 0x---C 0x---D 0x---E 0x---F */
/* 0x030- */ 0x000C401C, 0x000C5D6F, 0x000BA501, 0xFFFD16C0, 0x000C426F, 0x000BD6F1, 0xFFFDB0A7, 0xFFFD0A44, 0x000B8542, 0x000BE1DD, 0xFFFCEAC3, 0xFFFD0789, 0x000B7C30, 0x000BE905, 0xFFFCC751, 0xFFFD05BF,
/* 0x031- */ 0x000B7346, 0x000BEDF5, 0xFFFCACFD, 0xFFFD0484, 0x0008F277, 0x00099E1A, 0xFFFF09CA, 0xFFFF0D15, 0xFFF8833C, 0x0009DC85, 0xFFFB6F3E, 0x00057A82, 0xFFF728B5, 0xFFF59AEC, 0x0004E672, 0xFFF9DFF2,
/* 0x032- */ 0x0001399C, 0x0003ACD5, 0x000DDC1B, 0x0009F0F6, 0xFFFC0604, 0xFFF90A87, 0x00020020, 0x0003444C, 0x00095960, 0x000A33CC, 0x000A627B, 0xFFFADF81, 0xFFFAD034, 0xFFFC0DB0, 0xFFFACEC3, 0xFFFC0A0C,
/* 0x033- */ 0x0000DF82, 0xFFF854DB, 0x000D50E8, 0x0001556A, 0xFFF6D860, 0xFFFCAA75, 0x00004D35, 0xFFFF6189, 0x000ADA5C, 0x0003AAE4, 0x0007AB24, 0x0000AAB4, 0xFFFDFFE0, 0x00080511, 0x000CE5B6, 0x000BE8AC,
/* 0x034- */ 0x00010B33, 0x000D95D7, 0x000E16AD, 0x000DAB81, 0x000DBA32, 0x000B75D1, 0x000CA735, 0x000DBD4A, 0x000ED6A0, 0xFFF5F110, 0x000DBEAC, 0x0004C99A, 0x000AF56D, 0xFFF917F4, 0x000ECCAD, 0x000F476B,
/* 0x035- */ 0xFFFAA539, 0xFFFB111C, 0xFFFB79EA, 0x0005F0EE, 0x000CDF5B, 0x000C2B68, 0x000CD384, 0x000BC305, 0x000C9D6C, 0x000B0680, 0xFFFDD13A, 0xFFFE8B60, 0xFFFF207E, 0x000BD793, 0x0008FBD0, 0xFFF7EA46,
/* 0x036- */ 0xFFF3ED47, 0xFFFCCAC6, 0xFFFCABC6, 0xFFFD0F36, 0xFFF77CC9, 0xFFF4DB06, 0xFFF5C8C6, 0x0004A4BD, 0xFFFEE498, 0x0000CA6F, 0xFFFEE1B7, 0x0000ABC5, 0xFFF25B4E, 0xFFFF1241, 0x0005927C, 0x00011B68,
/* 0x037- */ 0x00030140, 0xFFF3D280, 0x000275D4, 0x00049620, 0xFFFDF1AB, 0x00011E49, 0x0002E858, 0xFFF87F89, 0x00043FE3, 0xFFFDFCB0, 0x00020350, 0xFFF497E1, 0x0004E719, 0xFFF97FC4, 0x000A373A, 0x0006CCF1,
/* 0x038- */ 0x0000287C, 0x0005976E, 0xFFFF543B, 0x000A47A8, 0xFFFB18E7, 0xFFF77F79, 0xFFF103C2, 0x0003CD60, 0xFFF67F69, 0xFFF2CDD2, 0x000B3A94, 0xFFF1E8CA, 0xFFED6B90, 0x0008B2C9, 0x00086BB8, 0x0009515A,
/* 0x039- */ 0x0007E2D9, 0x00067C76, 0xFFEF6102, 0xFFF89204, 0xFFFDC10C, 0x000609F2, 0x0005890B, 0x0005367E, 0x00036ED0, 0x0007158B, 0x0005DA05, 0x00035ADB, 0xFFFFD784, 0x0003A333, 0xFFFCFEC0, 0x0006803C,
/* 0x03A- */ 0xFFFD36C2, 0x00076DFC, 0x000BE31B, 0x0002DBC1, 0x0007C0A1, 0x000A1094, 0x0006FC14, 0x0004B267, 0xFFFC0BD3, 0xFFF9330F, 0xFFFD42BF, 0x000954BC, 0xFFF92EE5, 0xFFF8A4D4, 0xFFFDF4F5, 0xFFFCB9D7,
/* 0x03B- */ 0xFFFEB0BD, 0x000190CD, 0xFFFB96D1, 0xFFF89E83, 0x00002EC0, 0x0001BD5B, 0xFFFC6420, 0xFFF80E2D, 0x0001BCD5, 0x0001DD12, 0x0002D829, 0xFFF70B69, 0xFFF2DF94, 0xFFFC4902, 0x0005C96E, 0x00060086,
/* 0x03C- */ 0x00014D7C, 0x0005A943, 0x000741FF, 0xFFFE533B, 0xFFF8547D, 0x000454C8, 0x000A3C41, 0xFFFB58FA, 0xFFF83432, 0xFFF39F64, 0x0009DC86, 0x00076EE4, 0xFFF18033, 0xFFF1D4EB, 0xFFF5E4D8, 0xFFF0BDF6,
/* 0x03D- */ 0xFFF1907B, 0xFFF55101, 0x00046202, 0x00003941, 0x000A6799, 0x000B8B8D, 0x0002CA28, 0xFFFB9619, 0xFFF3B2D9, 0xFFF45CB2, 0xFFFD4FB9, 0x0000D33D, 0xFFF97F99, 0x00034668, 0x000B3AC4, 0x0002430A,
/* 0x03E- */ 0x000066A7, 0x00092B8C, 0x0004ACB0, 0x00097D76, 0x000BE562, 0x0002B047, 0x0008B909, 0x0000EDBF, 0xFFFB5B43, 0xFFFA6D84, 0xFFF9B14A, 0xFFFB8FB3, 0x000EDBF7, 0xFFFF0796, 0x0006A475, 0xFFFB8218,
/* 0x03F- */ 0xFFFDF0B6, 0xFFF01613, 0xFFF8C808, 0xFFEDCF1D, 0xFFF23544, 0x0006C485, 0x000603CC, 0x00081376, 0x0007617D, 0x00068C53, 0xFFF2FF87, 0x000D0079, 0xFFF95BDE, 0xFFFAE54A, 0xFFFAC982, 0x00009CCE,

/* 0x---0 0x---1 0x---2 0x---3 0x---4 0x---5 0x---6 0x---7 0x---8 0x---9 0x---A 0x---B 0x---C 0x---D 0x---E 0x---F */
/* 0x040- */ 0x00020240, 0xFFF9ABAD, 0xFFF84023, 0x0001D66A, 0xFFFCEFF9, 0x0001F6E5, 0xFFFCA525, 0xFFFC41E7, 0xFFFD39D0, 0x00056481, 0x000165D2, 0x0004B752, 0x0007514A, 0xFFFE7016, 0x000574EF, 0xFFF91106,
/* 0x041- */ 0xFFFAFAD2, 0x000A4706, 0xFFFB7A59, 0x000B9180, 0xFFFE5D21, 0x0002056E, 0x00084685, 0x0004559A, 0x0009497A, 0x0004CD4D, 0x0002D668, 0x0003A702, 0x00031AC1, 0xFFF9E36F, 0xFFFADB15, 0x000962BA,
/* 0x042- */ 0x000BDAA3, 0x00084B57, 0x0004956D, 0xFFFC4A16, 0x000D18A5, 0x0016015F, 0x000CFD61, 0x0002FF65, 0x0001FF98, 0x000278A0, 0x00017924, 0x0002FF51, 0x00027E90, 0x0001FF8B, 0x00017F23, 0x0002FF3A,
/* 0x043- */ 0xFFF70250, 0x0001FF7C, 0x0008FD60, 0xFFFE0096, 0x00093235, 0x0008FD04, 0x000943AE, 0x0008FC96, 0x0005FDB9, 0x000F8F65, 0x0005FE40, 0x000CFC36, 0x000CBDDB, 0xFFF80255, 0xFFF7CD12, 0xFFFC012B,
/* 0x044- */ 0xFFFC3BA0, 0xFFFC4E55, 0xFFFC0154, 0xFFFC0185, 0x000CFBAF, 0x000CC852, 0xFFF802A8, 0xFFF7D985, 0x000CFB11, 0xFFFE00C3, 0xFFF80309, 0x0002FC60, 0xFFFA0740, 0x0003D7BA, 0x0002FB7C, 0x00041021,
/* 0x045- */ 0x0002FA41, 0x0001FD95, 0x0002DAC4, 0x000313F9, 0x0001FCFE, 0x0001FC2C, 0xFFFE00E0, 0xFFFD7A2C, 0xFFFE0103, 0xFFFD8316, 0xFFFE012E, 0xFFFA0388, 0x0009FBA3, 0x0006FCF2, 0x0006708F, 0x000677FA,
/* 0x046- */ 0x0006FC78, 0x0006FBE1, 0xFFF904D8, 0x0001FE9E, 0xFFF90BE2, 0xFFF905C2, 0xFFF92549, 0xFFF906ED, 0x0001FE05, 0x000BF7B3, 0x000BEBA1, 0x000BFEC1, 0x000BF623, 0x000BF422, 0xFFF56209, 0xFFF37997,
/* 0x047- */ 0xFFF97769, 0xFFFA487B, 0xFFF775B4, 0xFFF70430, 0x000D4844, 0x000127AC, 0xFFF1C42C, 0x0010BE05, 0x000F8469, 0xFFF34B92, 0xFFF1B535, 0x000FE15C, 0x000DE531, 0x000F979E, 0x0010C39F, 0x00053B7F,
/* 0x048- */ 0xFFF90A92, 0xFFFC8300, 0xFFF7113C, 0xFFFC07A9, 0x00072F8D, 0x000AEF51, 0x000DD019, 0xFFFA1488, 0x0006E80C, 0x000AC7A3, 0x0008F579, 0x0009B42C, 0x0000F2EB, 0x000815BA, 0x000A356D, 0x00003E1A,
/* 0x049- */ 0x0003040F, 0x000050F9, 0xFFF490F6, 0xFFF0D13F, 0x000781E3, 0x0006395B, 0x00055AC7, 0x00063FAA, 0x000563D1, 0x000646F9, 0x00064EB6, 0x000174A0, 0xFFFE8A27, 0xFFFEA70C, 0xFFFF579E, 0x0006A286,
/* 0x04A- */ 0x00046DA3, 0x0001F928, 0x0003F250, 0xFFFFCEB9, 0xFFFF0E96, 0xFFF72528, 0xFFF691D2, 0xFFF5BF02, 0xFFF93515, 0x000B6F0A, 0xFFF83CAB, 0xFFF43CFB, 0xFFFF2EEE, 0xFFF5E0D5, 0x00073CF0, 0x0010557C,
/* 0x04B- */ 0xFFF26A29, 0xFFF09E82, 0xFFF0E422, 0xFFF30810, 0xFFF2B7BC, 0x0008B91D, 0x00087DA6, 0xFFF3DF69, 0xFFF6D4FD, 0x000F86AC, 0x00091949, 0x001135E1, 0x000F7004, 0x0010EB05, 0x00098182, 0x0003A155,
/* 0x04C- */ 0x00078756, 0xFFF7A445, 0xFFFFE573, 0x0007C355, 0x0008BBC0, 0xFFF64A56, 0xFFF4A039, 0xFFF57548, 0x000E6FF1, 0x0011010F, 0x000C00BF, 0x0010F986, 0x0011E6F8, 0x000C13E4, 0xFFF5FF61, 0x00088087,
/* 0x04D- */ 0xFFF6FF71, 0xFFECFED1, 0xFFED7ED9, 0xFFEB7EB9, 0xFFEEFEF1, 0xFFF62EC3, 0xFFF57F59, 0x0007E4A1, 0x00071F55, 0xFFFCFBF1, 0x002E02DF, 0x003C03BF, 0x00117DEF, 0x0010F092, 0x00022865, 0x0003B836,
/* 0x04E- */ 0xFFFC45DC, 0x000CA6F6, 0x000B60A4, 0x000191BE, 0x0000AAB5, 0x0000555B, 0xFFFBD6B8, 0x00068067, 0x00078077, 0xFFF525A4, 0xFFF5683B, 0x0009AB44, 0xFFF3DECA, 0xFFF6A6A0, 0x0009645A, 0xFFF954EC,
/* 0x04F- */ 0xFFF4733F, 0xFFF33FD5, 0xFFF244BF, 0xFFF5F853, 0x000F0B84, 0x0007098F, 0x00113967, 0x000E25F7, 0xFFFD53A5, 0x000964CF, 0xFFFC87BF, 0xFFEC7EC9, 0x00007D8B, 0x00017197, 0x000469E7, 0xFFFE875E,

/* 0x---0 0x---1 0x---2 0x---3 0x---4 */
/* 0x050- */ 0x00014050, 0x000C7E7A, 0x0003E11A, 0xFFFD8A2C, 0x0006A422

Environment Behavior Values

WARNING: SDSME and PDSMS mistakenly call them "FLAGS & LAYER 6", which can lead to confusion.

Some sort of command table which can introduce different effects depending on its value. Used in combination with the Flag value. Can display additional textures, make sounds, add direction dependdend collisions and much more. The extra textures (...and models ...and animations) can be found in /a/0/7/5 in Black and White and /a/0/7/4 in Black 2 and White 2.

Behavior descriptions.
0x0001Used for can't pass (collision). Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect(?).
0x0002Winter only footprints if flag 0x0008 is enabled(?) Used as winter path.
0x0003Used as ground path.
0x0004Used for normal tall gras. Flag 0x0020 must be set to display the gras.
0x0005Used for normal tall gras that can have snow in winter. Flag 0x0020 must be set to display the gras.
0x0006Used for dark tall gras, possible double battels with flag 0x0004. Flag 0x0020 must be set to display the gras.
0x0007Used for dark tall gras that can have snow in winter, possible double battels with flag 0x0004. Flag 0x0020 must be set to display the gras.
0x0008Play longer gras enter sound. Display very tall gras, if flag 0x0020 is set. Can't use bike.
0x0009Play longer gras enter sound. Display very tall dark gras, if flag 0x0020 is set. Possible double battels with flag 0x0004. Can't use bike.
0x000ACan spawn animated dirt with sound which result in getting a (type-)gem or a wild battle by moving in. Used as ground in caves.
0x000BPlay step sound. Used as sand path.
0x000COffset character down to let it sink a bit. Play sand sound. Display dark hole if flag 0x0008 is set. Slow down bike. Used as deep sand.
0x000EPlay snow sound. Display blue footprints, if flag 0x0008 is enabled. Used as snow.
0x000FPlay snow sound. Display blue footprints, if flag 0x0008 is enabled. Can't use bike.
0x0010Slide over this tile, if next tile is can be entered (no collision there).
0x0012Used as lake border collision (corners).
0x0014Display ripple while entering and play sound. Used for puddles.
0x0015Display ripple while entering and play sound.
0x0016Used as ground in the ´Bizarro-House´.
0x0017Display water splashing and play sound. Used at beach water boarders and on sand which is slightly under water.
0x0018Slide over this tile, if next tile is can be entered (no collision there). Used as ice.
0x0019Play step sound. Used as sand path.
0x001CPlay ripple sound, no animation. Used for puddles with wild pokemon (flag 0x0004 enabled).
0x001DUsed as hole for the strength rocks. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect.
0x001ESeason depending flooring (footprints), if flag 0x0008 is enabled. Used if there is a spot leafs in autumn but snow in winter and something else in other seasons.
0x001FUsed as gras path (normal not tall gras which usually is all over the place).
0x0020Can spawn animated shadows with sound which result in getting a feather or a wild battle by moving in. Used on some bridges.
0x0021Display slightly different tall gras, if flag 0x0020 is enabled.
0x0022Display slightly different dark tall gras, if flag 0x0020 is enabled. Possible double battels with flag 0x0004(?).
0x0023Play step sound. Used as sand path inside a cave.
0x0024Play long smooth sound. Can't use bike.
0x0025Display leafs flying into the air, play sound. Used when the path is full of leafes in autumn.
0x0030Display electrostatic discharge. Used in the Chargestone Cave. Crashes the game if loaded with wrong settings!
0x0032Used for charged stones in the Chargestone Cave. Activation field for a gimmick?
0x0033Scriptable behavior? Used for the levitation effect (slowly up and down) in the gate after route 10 in BW. No effect outside that room.
0x003DCan use fishing rod. Used as lake water.
0x003ECan use fishing rod.
0x003FCan use fishing rod. Used as water.
0x0040Used as waterfall. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect. Can connect to any height.
0x0041Skip this field for water connections. Can force surf on the tile behind, fishing only if there is water. Is used as lake border.
0x0042Can use fishing rod.
0x0043Can use fishing rod. Used as deep sea to stard diving.
0x0044Skip this field for water connections. Can force surf on the tile behind, fishing only if there is water. Is used as border.
0x0051Collision east side.
0x0052Collision west side.
0x0053Collision north side.
0x0054Collision south side.
0x0055Collision north and east side.
0x0056Collision north and west side.
0x0057Collision south and east side.
0x0058Collision south and east side.
0x0072One way jump east. On land over one tile, on water over 3 tiles. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect. Play jump sound.
0x0073One way jump west. On land over one tile, on water over 3 tiles. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect. Play jump sound.
0x0074One way jump north. On land over one tile, on water over 3 tiles. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect. Play jump sound.
0x0075One way jump south. On land over one tile, on water over 3 tiles. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect. Play jump sound.
0x0076Start spinning while moving to east until collision. Play funny sound while spinning.
0x0077Start spinning while moving to west until collision. Play funny sound while spinning.
0x0078Start spinning while moving to north until collision. Play funny sound while spinning.
0x0079Start spinning while moving to south until collision. Play funny sound while spinning.
0x007CUsed to slide on quick sand on a slope if running and animate it(?).
0x0094Move the character to east and play sound. Used for rapids.
0x0095Move the character to west and play sound. Used for rapids.
0x0096Move the character to north and play sound. Used for rapids.
0x0097Move the character to south and play sound. Used for rapids.
0x009CUsed in diving areas. Connected to a counter which limits diving time/distance(?).
0x00A3Used to connect the map grid with an external rail. The connections tiles on the rail must also use 0x00A3 and be very close to this tile in 3D space.
0x00BELose balance if standing on this tile and fall off from a side after a while. Surrounding tile must be deeper in terrain to avoid getting trapped. Used as tightrope.
0x00BFConnection ramp to a tightrope, safe enter and leave point.
0x00D4Can talk to NPC behind this tile. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect.
0x00D6Used for the PC (box, mail, ...). Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect.
0x00D8Used for the TV. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect.
0x00D9Dialog text index 0 from file 10 in /a/0/0/3. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect.
0x00DADialog text index 1 from file 10 in /a/0/0/3. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect.
0x00DBDialog text index 2 from file 10 in /a/0/0/3. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect.
0x00DCDialog text index 3 from file 10 in /a/0/0/3. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect.
0x00DDDialog text index 4 from file 10 in /a/0/0/3. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect.
0x00DEDialog text index 4 from file 10 in /a/0/0/3. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect. Used for the trash bin.
0x00DFDialog text index 5 from file 10 in /a/0/0/3. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect.
0x00E0Dialog text index 6 from file 10 in /a/0/0/3. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect.
0x00E1Dialog text index 7 from file 10 in /a/0/0/3. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect.
0x00E2Used for the vending machine. Flag 0x0001 must be set, else no effect.
0x00FESomewhere used instead of duplicates in 2nd permission layer(?). Ignore this...
0x00FFCan't pass (collision)(?). This one doesn't rely on a flag.

TODO: Document missing values.

Environment Flag Values

WARNING: SDSME and PDSMS mistakenly call them "COLLISION & SHADOW", which can lead to confusion.

Sets the properties of a tile using binary flags. Multiple flags can be combined. Footprints are displayed for a short time after a character left the field. Gras is animated when the character enters a field and remains in the last frame until the character leaves.

Flag descriptions
0x0001Interactable field. Usually used for collisions but depending on the behavior-value it can also result in jumping over, talk to behind, interact with furniture, ...
0x0002Surfable tile, does not include fishing!
0x0004Enable wild pokemon encounter for this tile
0x0008Display footprints, appearance depends on the behavior field.
0x0010Enabled on water and flooded sand but not on water-borders, rapids and diveable areas. Not sure how it is used.
0x0020Display gras animation and play sound, appearance depends on the behavior field.
0x0040Reflection, vertical flipped copy of the overworld under the ground.
0x0080Has shadow. The shadow is a dark circle under the overworld.
0x0100Enables overworld shading with the color defined in light 3.
0xFE00Some of the remaining bits are enabled on corner terrain slopes but the purpose is unclear.

Special RD Maps

There are a handful maps which use the "RD" signature and have no terrain data within the permission section. Instead, there are a set of currently unknown bytes. These maps are special, because they allow the game to load different sets of additional 3D models, movements permissions, interactable things like NPCs (...), depending on scripting flags. RD maps work in combination with the files from /a/1/5/6 in BW and /a/1/5/4 in B2W2.

In Pokemon Black and White, only the Black City and the White Forest are RD maps. Those places get content added, when the player poaches people through the Entralink.

In Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, only the Join Avenue and an island are RD maps. Here the player can talk to people passing through to add stalls at the sides of the road. The island maps, that also use these permissions, are an unused developement leftover. It is assumed that the join avenue was initially supposed to be an island, since it got some free space for eight markets in the center:

RD island RD island top view


  • Link the NSBMD section to src/universal/resources/nitro/graphics_3d/ once it contains information.
  • Research and document "RD" type maps.
  • Add terrain tables or insight into its internal working. Do NOT add the one with float values!
  • Document missing behavior values.
  • Link fixed point definition.