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Area Data

Author(s): Gonhex
Research: Bond697, PlatinumMaster, Gonhex, Hello007

The area data describes the current state of the overworld. It selects all the optical elements. The area is selected by the zone data in /a/0/1/2 but can also depend on the season.

Table of Contents

Data Location

The file (not a NARC!) can be found in the following game path:

  • Black 2 and White 2: /a/0/1/3

Data Structure


struct ContainerAreaData
/* 0x0 */ struct AreaData areaTable[409];
}; // entry size = 0xFFA
Field NameDescriptionData Type
areaTableArray of area configurations. Only one entry is active.AreaData[]

Area Data Entry

struct AreaData
/* 0x0 */ uint16_t buildings;
/* 0x2 */ uint16_t mapTextures;
/* 0x4 */ uint8_t textureAnimation;
/* 0x5 */ uint8_t frameAnimation;
/* 0x6 */ uint8_t fieldEnvironment;
/* 0x7 */ uint8_t ambientLight;
/* 0x8 */ uint8_t outlineColor;
/* 0x9 */ uint8_t bbdMdlColors;
}; // entry size = 0xA
Field NameDescriptionData Type
buildingsSelect builing container from the NARC:
Interior: Model = /a/2/2/6, texture = /a/1/7/5.
Exterior: Model = /a/2/2/5, texture = /a/1/7/4.
mapTexturesSelect map texture NSBTX from the NARC: /a/0/1/4.uint16_t
textureAnimationSelect map texture SRT animation NSBTA from the NARC: /a/0/6/8. Is 0xFF if none.uint8_t
frameAnimationSelect map frame animation container from the NARC: /a/0/6/9. Is 0xFF if none.uint8_t
fieldEnvironmentArea type: 0 = interior, 1 = exterior.uint8_t
ambientLightSelect ambient light settings from NARC: /a/0/6/0. Note: Weather can overwrite the setting.uint8_t
outlineColorSelect outline color profile from NARC: /a/0/1/5. Is 0xFF if none.uint8_t
bbdMdlColorsMaterial preset for actor billboards.uint8_t



The current season depends on the month.

enum Season

enum Season getSeason()
// example if january = 0 ... december = 11
return currentMonth % 4;

While the area data is selected by the zone, it can also be influeced by the season. This is necessary to adjust lights and textures. The decision whether to change the area data depending on the season or not is hardcoded.

bool isSeasonsEnabled(uint32_t zoneAreaID)
return (zoneAreaID >= 0x2) && (zoneAreaID < 0x11A);

uint32_t getAreaID(uint32_t zoneAreaID)
uint32_t areaID = zoneAreaID;

if (isSeasonsEnabled(zoneAreaID))
areaID += getSeason();

return areaID;